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GunBroker is a great place to buy guns, accessories, gun parts, hunting gear, and all things weapon related.
Their site is very intuitive and you can get started in just a few easy steps:
Step 1: https://www.gunbroker.com/c/user/howtobuy/
Step 2: Check out the guides here: https://support.gunbroker.com/hc/en-us/categories/202943427
Now that you are registered you may be asking how do I bid on an item on GunBroker.com?
1. Scope out the special listings.
View the Showcase and Charity Listings on the GunBroker.com home page each time you visit.
2. Target your item.
Search immediately for the item you want using the search box in the header, or
Browse the categories using the Browse Categories dropdown on the header to find gun collectibles, sport firearms, hunting gear, knives & swords, air guns, archery and gun accessories. See a complete list of GunBroker.com categories.
3. Pull the trigger – place your bid!
You can follow the bidding on My GunBroker to make sure you win.